Kirby Run Part Two. Ingredient Intrigue - Chapter 13 - ShannonTheAuthorArt (2025)

Chapter Text

That night, as what was becoming the norm for Kirby in this world whenever he fell asleep, he awoke to find himself in the World of Dreams. The timing for this particular visit was a bit awkward, as he had woken up within the dream world right when the train was at the latest station he needed to go to.

Something he quickly found out thanks to being woken up by Milky Way Cookie making an announcement.

“Attention all passengers! The Sugarcloud Express will be departing from Ursa Major Station in five minutes! Please prepare for immediate boarding.”

Hearing this, Kirby immediately stood up on his seat and looked out the window to see that the train was at a huge train station that was decorated head to toe with Bear Jelly themed decor.

As quick as a flash, Kirby got down from his seat and ran out of the train car to quickly explore the train station.

Upon exiting the train, Kirby was almost immediately discovered by Milky Way Cookie.

“Kirby!! There you are!” she called out to him, holding onto her telescope as she bolted over to where he was standing, her twintails bouncing around a little as she ran.

“(*Pant, pant*) Cutting it a bit close there huh? You almost missed this station, and I think that would have been bad for your assignment.”

“I know! Apologies for the timing!” Kirby glanced around the station “I heard you say the train was leaving soon, but do I have enough time to explore it briefly?”

“Yes, but make it quick! We’ll be departing in five-ish minutes and I can’t delay the departure! So go as fast as you can and come back!”

“Okay! I’ll do just that!”

With that promise, Kirby sprang forward and started looking around the station as fast as he could, bringing out his special train ticket as he ran.

(Let’s see, if the last station I went to was any indication, then maybe I’ll find another star here somewhere and it’ll go into my ticket as well!) Kirby thought (But I don’t see any stray stars here so far…)

Searching the station as closely- and as quickly- as he could, Kirby wasn’t able to find any stars, but he was able to see and admire the train station's decor. Unlike the other stations, this station was less industrial looking and more natural with parts of it that kinda resembled a cute little park. Throughout the station there were fences that separated the station from a chain of starry fields that surrounded it. Along the fences were some signs that Kirby couldn’t read, but he was able to see drawings of what appeared to be Bear Jellies drawn onto them. He wondered what they meant.

While Kirby was searching, he eventually came across a little area just behind the station’s main building where the fence looked out onto what almost looked like a little habitat. Kirby was very invested by this, did this mean there were magical space animals in this world?

Gazing out into the habitat, Kirby saw what almost looked like a giant tree, yet it blended so well with the starry sky, it was almost hard to tell if it was a tree or a constellation. Said supposed tree was surrounded by what looked like floating Bear Jelly heads that had little magically colored waterfalls coming out of their mouths and created little pools that brought an air of tranquility.

As his eyes gazed around, Kirby noticed something that made him squint his eyes a bit. The apparent tree had a little hollow near its trunk, and they could swear something was inside it…

“Hello? Anyone there?” Kirby tried calling out.

There wasn’t a response, just the burble of the dreamy waterfalls.

“Hellooooo? I’m looking for a star! Has anyone seen one?”

Getting no response once again, Kirby took a breath to try and call out for a third time, yet that ended up not happening as right when he was about to say something, the loud sound of a train whistle sounded out.

“AHHH! The train!!!!!” Kirby yelped, abandoning the fruitless attempt to see if something was inside the space tree and sprinting back towards the train before it could leave without him. Due to having his back turned, Kirby wasn’t able to notice a pair of curious eyes peek out from the hollow.

Kirby almost didn’t make back to the train in time, but thanks to his speed he arrived right as the train started moving.

“All aboard!!” Milky Way Cookie could be heard calling.

Summoning all his energy, Kirby sprinted over to the nearest train car and hopped into it just before the doors were locked close as the train took off.

Now safe inside the train car, Kirby let out a sigh of relief and leaned his back against the train door as he slowly sat down. He ended up resting for a few minutes before a familiar face started eagerly poking him. Opening his eyes, Kirby giggled once he saw who it was.

“Hehe, hai Space Doughnut!”

“Kyyu-kyu!” Space Doughnut happily greeted, ceasing their playful little pokes and instead giving Kirby a little nuzzle.

Letting out a sweet little laugh, Kirby gave Space Doughnut a small hug as thanks, whilst still holding his ticket. Seeing his ticket briefly was a reminder of the important mission he had, and how he may have just botched it…

Kirby held the ticket up close and inspected the back of it, it was the same as it had been the last time he was in the World of Dreams, with only the orange star colored in. No new stars were present.

“Aw,” Kirby frowned “I didn’t find any stars, Space Doughnut…”

Space Doughnut looked at Kirby with a little head tilt, not wanting their friend to be upset, they gave Kirby a comforting nudge, followed by another nuzzle.

That ended up being just what the pink puff needed, for the brief pout that had been stained on his face went away upon being comforted by his friend.

As a way to show appreciation, Kirby gave Space Doughnut a nuzzle in return.

“Thank you Space Doughnut.”

“Kyou-kyu! Quo!”

Getting up and doing a brief little stretch, Kirby decided not to let the lack of results from the train station get to him and just keep pressing onward. Maybe not every station had a star to find in it?

Stomach rumbling, Kirby turned to Space Doughnut. “You wouldn’t happen to have saved a seat and some snacks for me, would you?”

Eagerly nodding in confirmation, Space Doughnut guided Kirby down a few train cars until the two were now in a car that only had a couple of passengers within it, and therefore plenty of spare seats.

One seat, Kirby soon noticed, had an entire stack of Starflour Crisps and various other snacks.

His face full of joy, Kirby gleefully ran up to the seat, hopped onto it, and began eating some of the snacks, but not before tossing one Starflour Crisp to Space Doughnut.

“Thank you Space Doughnut!” Kirby said as he tossed the snack to them.

Catching the snack with their mouth, Space Doughnut happily wiggled their ears as a way of saying thanks and you’re welcome.

A few minutes later, midway through eating all their snacks, Kirby and Space Doughnut noticed Milky Way Cookie enter their car.

“(*Whew!*) Glad I got all that done! Anyway, where’s… aha! There you are Kirby!”

Cheerfully waving her over, Kirby smiled as Milky Way Cookie walked over to his and Space Doughnut’s seat.

“Glad you made it! Was worried you might have gotten left behind at the train station.”

“Nope! I made it back just in time! Though I didn’t find any stars this time…”

“Hm, you didn’t? Interesting.” Milky Way Cookie sat down next to Kirby- Space Doughnut scooching over a bit so she could do so.

“Yeah, but the station itself was really pretty, poyo! Felt like a cute lil’ park and station combo! Plus lots of cool Bear Jelly decorations and aesthetics!”

“Ah yes, that station was called Ursa Major station! We call it that because it’s not only a station, but it’s also a home for the Ursa Jellies!”

“Cool! …What are Ursa Jellies?”

Milky Way Cookie cleared her throat a bit, as it was sounding a bit hoarse. “Ursa Jellies are a special type of Bear Jellies that only exist in the World of Dreams, they’re basically like Bear Jellies except they’re a lot bigger, behave slightly more animalistic, and have more magic powers, plus they have more color variations. They’re not the most powerful Bear Jelly variant, but they’re held in pretty high regard since they’re pretty mystical, and also because almost everyone agrees they’re absolutely adorable.”

“Aww, that’s sweet!” Kirby smiled “Are they usually found at that station?”

“Mostly. It is the most common place within the World of Dreams that they are found in, though it’s currently their migrating season so they’re not usually present at this time of year.”

“Ah, that’s probably why I didn’t see any.”

“Probably. But fear not! They like to frolic and wander all throughout the cosmos, so the odds of seeing one on our journey are pretty solid! That, and they’re usually pretty big, so they’re kinda hard to miss.”

Kirby’s eyes sparkled. “Ooh, I would definitely love to see one! They sound very magical!”

“Quo-quo!” Space Doughnut babbled in agreement.

“He he, I’m sure you will Kirby.” Milky Way Cookie let out a loud yawn “At any rate, I’ve got a few more minutes before I need to resume my work. So while I’m here, got any questions about anything or something you wanna bring up, Kirby?”

That question made Kirby pause to think, which helped remind him of an important thing that needed looking into.

“Oh actually, something strange did happen today that I was hoping you could help me out with.”

“Hm? What happened?” Milky Way Cookie looked curious, Space Doughnut conveying a curious expression as well.

“One of my friends, Elfilin, met a Cookie named Cream Unicorn Cookie today, which all seemed normal, but apparently the two of them had met each other the night before in Cream Unicorn Cookie’s dream!”

“Oh!” Milky Way Cookie blinked “Wait, Cream Unicorn Cookie? I know them!”

“You do?” Kirby’s brows went up.

“Yeah! We go way back, they’re sort of an old friend. But you said your friend was in their dream?”

“Mhm, but I don’t know how. Cream Unicorn Cookie said they don’t really have the power to enter the dreams of others, and Elfilin himself is super confused about all this, my poor buddy.”

“Interesting… Well one thing’s for sure, Cream Unicorn Cookie doesn’t have the power to enter another dessert’s dream, that fact is correct- at least as far as I know. But what about your friend? Elfilin, correct?”

Kirby confirmed his friend’s name by nodding.

“Right, so what about him? Does he have any dream associated powers that you know of?”

The pink Cookie was initially going to say no, however a brief memory flashed in his mind that did make him recall an important factor about Elfilin that could be attributed to what was going on.

Elfilin’s dark other half, Fecto Forgo, did have the power to create entire dream realities/worlds with their mind, a power that was realized thanks to their world that Kirby traversed with Elfilin, the Isolated Isles: Forgo Dreams.

Now that Fecto Forgo/Elfilis was one with Elfilin again, maybe that had an influence on him? Question was why here and why now?

Regardless of these questions, it was worth bringing up, though it did mean Kirby would have to explain Elfilin’s story to Milky Way Cookie. Not that Kirby minded, since he didn’t get to finish sharing it with Spelltwister Cookie.

“Kind of.” Kirby finally started answering “Though it is a bit of a long story.”

Milky Way Cookie looked at the clock that was displayed on the train car’s wall. “Well I’ve got six more minutes, as long as you can summarize it within that amount of time, it’ll be good.”

“Kyyu-doo!” Space Doughnut affirmed, wanting to hear more stories from Kirby.

Seeing his friends ready and willing to listen, Kirby nodded and began explaining. “Okay, so my friend Elfilin…”

It took around five minutes, taking up almost the remainder of Milky Way Cookie’s break period, but Kirby was able to mostly summarize Elfilin’s story to her and Space Doughnut. More importantly, he was able to share the fact that his other half had Dream related powers.

“The little remnants of light then floated over to Elfilin, and he willingly accepted them with open arms- or, hands. The remnants then combined into Elfilin, thus finally allowing the two to become one again.” Kirby finished recounting the great battle he and Elfilin had with Chaos Elfilis “With the fallen harbinger of chaos defeated, the sky cleared up to reveal a beautiful sunny day.”

Completely changing the tone of his voice back to his very bubbly and light one, Kirby proceeded to say “After that me and Elfilin just kinda hang out a bunch! We either hung out at his world or my world, but then came the day where he got sick and his sneezes created a portal that sent us to this world! The end!”

Kirby smiled innocently as he looked at his friends faces to see what the two of them thought, and was met with very astonished and bewildered expressions from the both of them. Space Doughnut’s notably looking a bit worried.

“Wow.. that was… definitely not something I was expecting to hear. But to be fair I have heard a lot of weird stories, and that one wasn’t the most absurd.” Milky Way Cookie commented.

“Koo… Doo..”

“Hm? Space Doughnut, what’s wrong?” Kirby turned to his sprinkled friend.

“Poo, koo-koo…” Space Doughnut cried.

“Oh, Space Doughnut has had an unfortunate experience with being used in lab experiments.” Milky Way Cookie cleared up “So hearing about your friend and their former self, and how they got captured and experimented on, and that whole complicated thing you mentioned about how your friend’s evil half wanted to combine with him, that might have hit close to home for them.”

“(*Gasp*) Really?” Kirby’s face went soft as he looked at Space Doughnut, who nodded sadly “Awww, buddy!”

Kirby wrapped his tiny little arms around Space Doughnut in a comforting hug. The Space Doughnut gently wrapping one of its limbs around Kirby as thanks.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you!” Kirby sympathized.

Space Doughnut made a little humming sound. “Kyu-kyou.”

The hug between the two of them lasted for a few moments, endeared by the sweet display of genuine sympathy and kindness, Milky Way Cookie scooted closer and joined in on the hug.

“Aw thanks Milky Way Cookie.” Kirby said in response to her joining the hug, Space Doughnut wiggled their ears to show they were happy as well.

“He he, glad to participate.”

After a few more seconds, the three finished the hug and Milky Way Cookie’s smile grew. “Good news is Space Doughnut should be safe from all that now, and they have friends like me and Stardust Cookie.”

A sweet smile formed on Kirby’s face too. “That’s super nice to hear! And hey,”

Kirby turned his entire body to Space Doughnut with his arms held up. “you and I are definitely best friends now, right?”

Eyes sparkling, Space Doughnut did a happy little bounce. “Kyyu! Kyu-kyu!”

What happened next made Kirby giggle like crazy, as Space Doughnut proceeded to pick Kirby up with their limbs and nuzzle him a bunch.

“Hahaha! You’re welcome, Space Doughnut! Say, if I’m ever able to bring Elfilin into this world, would you like me to introduce you to him?”

“Kyyu-quo! Kyu kyu!” Kirby’s extraterrestrial friend enthusiastically agreed.

“Then I shall gladly do so!” the pink Cookie puff decided, giving Space Doughnut another hug as they continued to nuzzle him.

“Aw, you two are cute.” Milky Way Cookie commented as she observed her friends “I’d definitely like to meet this mysterious Elfilin too. On the subject of him actually, I’ll be sure to look more into that popping up into others dreams thing you mentioned.”

Space Doughnut set their pink friend back down, who proceeded to look at Milky Way Cookie. “You will? Thank you!”

“Heh, my pleasure.” she winked “From what you told me, it does sound like the other half that joined back with him that had mind/dream powers could be the cause, which if that is indeed the case I might know what’s going on, but I’ll have to do some research to check and make sure I’m correct, meaning I’ll have to read a bunch.”

A yawn escaped from Milky Way Cookie. “Another thing to add to my to do list… (*Yawn*)”

“You don’t have to help out if you don’t want to.” Kirby said, not wanting his conductor friend to overwork herself.

“Nah it’s fine. It’s not that much of a problem for me, plus it’s at least more interesting than the other things I have to do for work.”

“Speaking of which.” Milky Way Cookie checked the clock in the train car, then got down from her seat “My break is just about over, so I’ve got to head back to managing this train and all the going ons.”

“Aw, okay.” Kirby watched her walk away “Want me to help you like last time?”

“That’s sweet of you Kirby, but considering how last time went, I think I’d better take care of this myself. Besides, our current route is going to take us through a pretty perilous field soon, and I’ve got to make sure this train and it’s passengers are ready for when we-”


“Wah!” Kirby jumped in response to the sudden noise, Space Doughnut and the two passengers that were in the train car with our trio looking spooked as well “What was that??”

“Ah, sounds like we reached it.” Milky Way Cookie said calmly “One sec.”

Waddling up the hallway, Milky Way Cookie made her way to the front end of the train car and pulled out a little phone/intercom that was attached to the wall near the train car door. She then pressed some buttons and began speaking into the phone to make an announcement for everyone on the train to hear.

“Attention all passengers! We are now currently traveling through a choco asteroid field, as a result, an asteroid or two may bump into the side of a train car, or bounce off a car’s roof. Fear not though, for while choco asteroids hit very hard, my- er, our trusty train here has been modified to be nice and sturdy to help it withstand any type of hard hitting object. So the worst harm these asteroids will cause is just some inconvenient noise and perhaps some slight turbulence. Just remain seated as we go through this choco asteroid field, and we’ll arrive at our next destination, Sirius Brook Station, soon. This is your conductor, Milky Way Cookie, signing off.”

With her announcement finished, Milky Way Cookie put the intercom phone back in its place, then waved at Kirby and Space Doughnut.

“I need to go back to the driver’s cabin to look at the monitor and keep an eye on those chocolaty asteroids as we travel through them.” she told the two of them.

“Okie dokie, Poyo.” Kirby responded “See you soon then, stay safe up there!”

“Don’t worry, like I said in my announcement, we’ll all be fine! So just remain seated and we’ll-”


The entire train car shook up and down from the sudden impact, causing a very startled Milky Way Cookie to flail her arms around to keep herself from falling and maintain her balance. The passengers- including Kirby and Space Doughnut- had grabbed onto their seats as the car shook, all of them being equally shocked as well.

Once the car finally settled, everyone blinked at each other.

“C-conductor?? What was that???!?” asked a cloudy passenger who was wearing a raincoat.

“Milky Way Cookie, are you okay??” Kirby spoke up, concerned.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Little shaken up, but things should be fine…”

Right as the conductor had trailed off, the intercom phone started ringing, resulting in her having to answer it.

“Yes hello? Conductor Milky Way Cookie speaking-”

“CONDUCTOR SOMETHING JUST CRASHED ON TOP OF THE ROOF OF OUR CAR AND IS NOW TRYING TO BREAK IN PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!” the passenger on the other end of the call screamed very loudly, causing Milky Way Cookie to almost drop the phone and barely catch it with her sleeved covered hands.

“Wah!!!! Okay calm down! Please explain yourself again, but calmly this time!” she instructed, holding the phone up to her ear as she listened to the passenger try to calmly explain what was going on.

“Mhm… yeah… oh… uh oh… yeah? Alright, which car are you? Yes… right, that’s about three cars behind the one I’m at now… right… okay, just remain calm and I’ll take care of it…. You’re welcome.”

Hanging up the intercom phone and putting it back, Milky Way Cookie looked over at Kirby and Space Doughnut with a concerned expression.

“I gotta go take care of whatever this is, brb!” she sweated, running down the hallway to exit the train car and go out to the train’s exterior.

“Wait! We’ll help too!” Kirby called to her as she ran by. The pink Cookie puff jumped down from their seat to follow after her, with Space Doughnut choosing to get up and follow as well.

Before joining up with Milky Way Cookie as she reached the other end of the train car and opened the door, a thought crossed Kirby’s mind.

(Oh wait, I don’t have the staff with me here, I can’t get any copy abilities to help! What am I gonna do?) he thought (I could probably provide some assistance with just my base form, but what if this situation requires an ability? There’s gotta be something here I can use to help…)

As he thought about this, he ran past the other two passengers that were in the car. Upon glancing at them, he saw something that made him halt in his tracks.

“Please don’t open that darn umbrella of yours!” the passenger that was seated next to the raincoat wearing one ordered “We don’t need anymore bad luck befalling onto us!”

“Complain all you want!” the raincoat wearing passenger yelled, holding up an unopened umbrella “But when one of those chocolaty asteroids comes crashing down onto us, or whatever is trying to break into the train, I’ll be safe behind my collection of umbrellas and parasols!”

A lightbulb went off in Kirby’s head.

“Say,” he approached the two passengers “you don’t suppose I could have one of those parasols, please? Pretty please?”

The raincoat wearing passenger looked confused, but relented when they saw Kirby make puppy dog eyes.

“Okay, if you want some protection as well, I suppose I could spare one for you.”

Fishing out a parasol from their bag, the raincoat wearing passenger brought out the parasol they felt most comfortable with giving away- that being a green colored one- and handed it to Kirby.

“Thank you!” Kirby said as he took the parasol. With it now in his hands, Kirby held it close, and began to concentrate.

(Please work, please work, please work…) he begged in his mind.

With a sparkle of starlight, the parasol began to shine, soon changing its color from green to red and white with a new blue handle and a star on top. Seeing that his attempt to obtain the parasol ability had worked, Kirby jumped with joy as he held the parasol high.

The transformation made the observing Space Doughnut’s eyes sparkle with wonder. “Kwa-kyu… Doo!”

“What in the world???” the other passenger cried, wide eyed “How did you do that????”

Kirby didn’t answer, all he did was simply giggle and resume running after Milky Way Cookie, Space Doughnut closely following behind him.

Opening the train door and exiting the car, Kirby peeked out to quickly look outside, where he not only saw all the countless choco asteroids that surrounded and flew past the train as it carefully moved through the field, but also immediately noticed Milky Way Cookie to the right, climbing up a ladder attached to the outside of the train car.

“Kirby! Oh! And Space Doughnut!” she added once she saw Space Doughnut was with the star warrior “You didn’t have to come join and help me, but I appreciate it!”

“Of course! We can’t just let you handle whatever this is on your own!” Kirby affirmed, holding up his parasol.

“Great! What’s with the parasol though?”

“This is one of my copy abilities! My parasol ability to be exact!”

Milky Way Cookie made a small and delighted gasp. “That’s one of your copy abilities?! That’s epic!! But wait, you said your abilities come with a cool hat. Also you said you need to inhale something or use essences or whatever to get one, how’d you get this one?”

“I do usually have a fantastic hat, yes! This is just one of the few abilities that doesn’t come with a hat. As for how I got it, sometimes if an object is in relation to an ability I can get, I can get the ability just by grabbing onto it and concentrating very hard!”

(A trick I learned thanks to many training sessions from Meta Knight!) Kirby added in his head.

“Ooh, well that’s both great and convenient!” Milky Way Cookie chuckled, her brief bit of humor was cut short though, when the three of them heard a loud pounding sound not far behind them that reminded them about what they needed to be doing.

“We’ll talk more about copy abilities later! Let’s go see whatever this is!” Milky Way Cookie said as she resumed carefully climbing up the ladder. Kirby hopped over and grabbed onto the ladder to start climbing up it as well, Space Doughnut doing the same- though Kirby did have to help them a bit.

Once the three were on top of the train car, they turned to see what was causing the commotion, yet when they all saw the culprit of the problem, they were very much caught off guard.

Three cars behind the one the three were on top of, clawing and banging away on the roof of another train car, was a giant bear-like figure. It looked very much like a Bear Jelly, however compared to the more peaceful looking and sophisticated ones Kirby had seen in the Bear Jelly Village, this one was way bigger and walked on all fours, boasting a pale lavender coat and blue colored cheeks, on both cheeks were very sparkly looking star marks. Most notably, it had a crescent moon shaped mark on its forehead. Instead of soft looking paws, this creature appeared to have very sharp looking claws, and was trying to use said claws to break open the train car roof.

“Holy smokes, that’s an Ursa Jelly!” Milky Way Cookie exclaimed.

“It is?!” Kirby exclaimed back “What’s it doing?!?”

“I don’t know?? Usually these things are pretty docile unless provoked. What’s this one doing here trying to break into my train??!”

Milky Way Cookie had to quickly duck, for a small chunk of choco asteroid was about to fall down and strike her face, but she managed to duck in time and the asteroid instead bounced off the train car’s roof.

“Doo-doo?” Space Doughnut said as a way to ask if she was okay.

“All good!” the short conductor told them, holding up her sleeve to signify a thumbs up or something similar. She then turned to Kirby.

“Kirby, you don’t suppose this one could have followed you from Ursa Major Station, do you?”

“Umm, I don’t know… maybe?” Kirby shrugged, he did recall that he made a lot of noise at the space tree there, but he didn’t think anyone had heard him.

Another choco asteroid flew past the train, and Milky Way Cookie stepped forward. “Well however this Ursa Jelly got here, we’ve got to get it off my train!”

Taking out her whistle and holding it up, Milky Way Cookie took a deep breath and blew into it to get the Ursa Jelly’s attention.

“(*WHISTLE!!*) Hey!!”

The Ursa Jelly stopped clawing at the dent they had made and looked up to turn their head at Milky Way Cookie, an agitated look in its eyes.

“Breaking and entering into the Sugarcloud Express is not allowed!” Milky Way Cookie yelled “If you wish to board, you’ll need to wait until we reach a station and provide a ticket!”

Responding to the conductor’s comment with an upset sounding roar, the Ursa Jelly started bolting towards the trio, leaping from one train car to the next as it charged forward.

“Uh oh, uh oh! I think I made it mad! Run!!!”

As Milky Way Cookie turned to run, Kirby stepped forward, Space Doughnut standing beside him.

“Don’t worry! I’ve got this!” Kirby said, holding up his parasol.

Just as the Ursa Jelly was about to reach the three, Kirby opened up his parasol and thrust it forward, some droplets of water getting sprayed onto the Ursa Jelly’s face as a result.

The Ursa Jelly skidded to a halt upon getting sprayed, and made upset grunting sounds as it wiped the water off of its face. Once it was done, Kirby held the parasol back up and looked at it.

“Hai! We don’t want to fight you!” he told it “But please don’t attack us or try to break into the train!”

“Doo! Doo-puu-poo!” Space Doughnut urgently babbled.

A tense expression shone on the Ursa Jelly’s face as it stared at the trio, the creature looking very on edge. Before it could do anything else, another choco asteroid hit the train right behind the creature and emitted a loud thud.

The noise made the starry dessert bear jump in response, letting out a loud roar that shook Kirby and his two dream world friends.

“Wah! Look out!” Milky Way Cookie pointed above the Ursa Jelly’s head.

Up above the Ursa Jelly, four bright star shaped objects suddenly appeared, two of them shooting down towards Milky Way Cookie and Kirby.

Kirby wasted no time, jumping back to Milky Way Cookie and using his parasol to block the incoming projectiles.

The impact of the projectiles did push the two back a bit, but thanks to the defense of the parasol, the duo was unharmed.

As Kirby kept his stance with his parasol, Milky Way Cookie spoke up.

“Ursa Jellies can summon stars with their roar! They usually use that power for fun, but in instances like this one, it can be a hard hitting attack!”

Kirby looked at her and nodded in understanding. Turning back, he saw that the other two star projectiles were shooting down towards Space Doughnut.

“Space Doughnut, take cover!” Kirby yelled.

Space Doughnut didn’t obey however, instead they took a stance, squatting down their body as they wiggled their ears. “Doo…”

The star projectiles shot down towards Space Doughnut, but right before they could strike them…

“Dooo-da!” Space Doughnut cried out as they emitted a wave-like beam that fired straight at the projectiles, causing them to shatter into dozens of tiny pieces and gently dissipate.

Kirby opened his mouth in awe of what he just witnessed. “Woah! Space Doughnut! I didn’t know you could do that!”

“He he, just wait until you see what happens when they use that attack on a living enemy.” Milky Way Cookie mischievously giggled.

Feeling proud of themself, Space Doughnut bounced over to Kirby and Milky Way Cookie and happily swayed their body from side to side. “Biri-biri! Biri!”

Their little celebration was cut short however, as before the trio knew it, the Ursa Jelly had jumped over to the train car they were on top of and now stood before them.

“Oh, oh dear…” Kirby said, wide eyed as he and his two companions started slowly backing away from the Ursa Jelly, who slowly crawled towards them in response.

“N-nice Ursa Jelly… please don’t clobber us…” Milky Way Cookie begged in a panicked tone “Ugh, where’s Stardust Cookie when you need him…”

The trio kept backing up until then ran out of room, the Ursa Jelly stood before the three and stared them down. Before it could commit some kind of action, a choco asteroid bumped into the side of the train, startling the Ursa Jelly and causing it to whimper and yelp with fear as it scrambled backwards and covered its face with its claws as it cowered into a ball.

The trio watched this all happen with confused faces, before they all softened their expressions and approached the creature with pity.

“Huh, you alright there big guy?” Milky Way Cookie questioned. The Ursa Jelly did not respond to her and just kept whimpering behind its cover.

Kirby looked at the Ursa Jelly with concern, then glanced around at all the choco asteroids that flew past the train, some going incredibly fast. Two of them collided into each other, causing several sharp shards to go flying by.

Putting the pieces together, Kirby understood what was going on.

“Aw, you’re afraid of getting hit by one of those big ol’ asteroids, aren’t you?” he asked softly.

The Ursa Jelly peaked from behind its claws, and nodded slowly.

“Ohh, is that why you were trying to get into my train?” Milky Way Cookie realized “You wanted shelter from all the choco asteroids? I see, I’m sorry for not realizing sooner.”

Hearing Milky Way Cookie’s words, the Ursa Jelly slowly lowered its claws from its face and looked at the trio before it, yet it still looked rather anxious.

“Hey it’s okay.” Kirby told the big space creature, walking up to it and giving it a sympathetic look “I get slightly nervous about hard hitting objects a lot too, especially if it’s something that can shoot out and strike me hard, or if it’s something I can accidentally crash my Warp Star into. But whenever stuff starts falling from the sky, I do my best to stay brave and find some cover, plus it helps to have friends standing beside me during stormy weather, especially hail.”

Upon saying that, Kirby had a thought that quickly turned into a good idea. “Actually, I think I have just the thing to help.”

Parasol in hand, Kirby stood back a bit and held it up high. “Alrighty, I got this, just one second…”

Motivated by the friends around him, Kirby had just enough energy to perform a Friend Ability that the parasol ability was capable of, the Chumbrella.

With the parasol now an exponential size- and having a newly added heart pattern scattered across it- Kirby held it out to the Ursa Jelly, who looked at it with slight confusion.

“Here ya go! You can use this to prevent those asteroids from hitting you.” Kirby told it.

Tilting its head in wonder, the Ursa Jelly sat up and gently took the Chumbrella from Kirby, holding it right above its head. The fact that the giant parasol could protect it from the choco asteroids was quickly proven true when a large chunk of one simply bounced right off when it made contact with the parasol.

Seeing how Kirby had so kindly provided it with protection, the Ursa Jelly looked down at Kirby with a big jolly smile, no longer showing any signs of aggression at all. It even withdrew its claws, its paws now looking more like a Bear Jelly’s paws, soon it’s back started looking more glittery, likely a result of the creature’s happiness.

Milky Way Cookie and Space Doughnut watched all this happen with amazed expressions, when Kirby looked their way, they both smiled greatly at him.

“Yo! Nice job Kirby!” Milky Way Cookie complimented, Space Doughnut eagerly bounced around to compliment Kirby too.

Kirby wiped some sweat off his forehead. “Aw, it was nothing! Understanding and sympathizing with others is important.”

To Kirby’s surprise, the Ursa Jelly held the Chumbrella over so it could cover Kirby as well. Seeing this, Kirby looked at the Ursa Jelly with delight.

“Aww thank you!” Kirby then waved over his two friends “Come on over guys!”

Doing just that, Milky Way Cookie and Space Doughnut walked over and sat beside Kirby as the Ursa Jelly held up the Chumbrella, the giant parasol providing cover from all four of them as the train made it’s way through the choco asteroid field.

Milky Way Cookie observed that her train was doing just fine navigating its way past all the choco asteroids on its own, so she knew it was safe for her to remain seated alongside her friends, sharing a peaceful moment with them as they all watched the stars and asteroids that passed by them.

It didn’t take long for the train to make it out of the field, and once it finally reached a point where the train was no longer surrounded by choco asteroids, the trio backed up from the Chumbrella’s cover and the Ursa Jelly closed it up, handing it back to Kirby as it shrunk down and turned back into its original green color.

“Thanks!” Kirby said as he took the parasol back “I should probably return this back to its owner.”

“Here, I’ll take care of that.” Milky Way Cookie told him. Kirby handed the parasol to her, and she carefully held it as she looked up at the Ursa Jelly.

“Glad we could get this all sorted out, sorry about that misunderstanding.”

The Ursa Jelly made a happy sounding cry and motioned its paw to say that it was all good, and there was no need to worry. It then turned its head down to Kirby and motioned its paws at him.

“Hm? What’s up?” the pink friend titled their head.

Motioning around its paws, the Ursa Jelly put one hand on its heart, then used the other to point at the moon mark on its head, then pointed at Kirby.

Kirby didn’t seem to understand and just shrugged. “Do you need something?”

The pink Cookie puff’s confusion made the Ursa Jelly giggle, once it was done, it held up its paws close to its face and took a deep breath. It then let out a soft mystical sounding roar that soothed Kirby, Milky Way Cookie, and Space Doughnut.

When the mystifying feeling wore off, the trio noticed something glowing in the Ursa Jelly’s paws.

“Wait.. is that?” Kirby’s face lit up.

The glowing object spun around a bit before the glow wore off and the object revealed itself. Held up by the Ursa Jelly’s paws was a bright purply magenta colored star.

“Kirby! It’s another star!” Milky Way Cookie exclaimed, her face beaming. Space Doughnut looked equally excited.

A prominent smile shined on Kirby’s face as he stared at the star before him, he was so mesmerized by it that it took him a second to notice the Ursa Jelly was holding it out for him to take.

“Poyo! In that case…” Kirby brought out his ticket and held it up to the star so it could enter the ticket like the last one did.

Twirling around, the star flew away from the Ursa Jelly’s paws and began to fly around the group for a bit before flying over to the ticket to enter it, emitting a bright light as it did so.

The light was so bright in fact, that everyone except the Ursa Jelly had to close their eyes briefly. While Kirby’s eyes were closed, something unexpected happened. He heard a voice.

“May you behold the Constellation Miracle.”

Kirby opened his eyes, the light had died down. Who said that? Was it the Ursa Jelly?

He brought the ticket back down and looked back to his friends who were opening their eyes back up too. Did they hear that voice too or was it just him?

Either way, Kirby looked back at his ticket, and was very delighted by what he saw. The ticket now had a magenta colored star colored into it, now accompanying the orange one from the night before.

“Aha! You got another one!” said Milky Way Cookie, who had peered down at the ticket to look at it too “Looks like you’re supposed to be collecting stars after all.”

Kirby held the card up again for Space Doughnut to see too. “Hehe, yup! Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me!”

(That means for tomorrow night’s visit I’ll likely find another one! Hopefully that will go well.)

Once he was done showing the ticket to Space Doughnut, he put the ticket away and walked up closer to the Ursa Jelly.

“Thank you so much! This helps out a ton!”

The Ursa Jelly let out a happy roar and scooped up Kirby to give them a big hug.

Laughing with joy in response, Kirby hugged the Ursa Jelly back.

Once it was done hugging him, the Ursa Jelly put Kirby back down and got up to make its way to the edge of the train car. Turning its head to look back at the trio, the Ursa Jelly waved goodbye.

“Goodbye Ursa Jelly!” Kirby waved “It was great to meet you, poyo!

“Kyou-kyyyu!” said Space Doughnut, using one of their limbs to wave goodbye.

“Stay safe out there!” Milky Way Cookie waved “Hope you make it back home okay! Byeeee!”

With one last wave, the Ursa Jelly took a mighty leap and started floating off away into the starry space. As Kirby and Milky Way Cookie watched, it looked to them like the Ursa Jelly was swimming as it made its way through vast space.

Once it disappeared from sight, Kirby and Milky Way Cookie looked at each other.

“So that was totally an envoy who was meant to give you the star, right?” Milky Way Cookie assumed.

“I think so!” Kirby agreed “I was probably supposed to get the star from this Ursa Jelly and prove I was worthy of it at the station, but I didn’t have the time. Good thing it all worked out!”

“Mhm, it sure did! Minus the mild dents my train got in the process, but hey it’s fine, I can easily fix those.”

“Doo! Quo-qua!” Space Doughnut interrupted, standing between Kirby and Milky Way Cookie and letting out a laugh.

“Haha, you were great too Space Doughnut!” Kirby patted their friend’s back, sitting down with them as they continued to laugh.

Milky Way Cookie chuckled along with them, sitting down and admiring the view. “I will say, this was definitely an unforgettable experience just now.”

“For sure!” Kirby concurred, smiling at Milky Way Cookie and Space Doughnut. The three of them all sat there together, blissfully enjoying the sights as the train flew on.

“This was definitely a night/dream I will never forget.”

Kirby Run Part Two. Ingredient Intrigue - Chapter 13 - ShannonTheAuthorArt (2025)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.